Resources and Forms

Useful Links

Click on the red titles below to access linked websites

Scholarship List - application information

The Delta Kappa Gamma Website 

DKG Educational Foundation - how to donate, professional development, seminars, and resources

EngageNY Website -  Provides information on the Common Core, Data Driven Instruction, and Teacher/Leader Effectiveness; information for both educators and community members

New York State Senate - Information about New York Senators, committees, legislation, and initiatives

New York State Education Department Website - All the latest news and updates from NYSED

New York State DKG Website - Information and applications for NY State Scholarships, Awards, Stipends, and Grant(s)-in-Aid

Pi Lights - Link to the online edition of Pi Lights, the newsletter for New York State DKG

Pi State Educational Foundation - Lifetime membership is $25.00 and donations "in memory of" and "in honor of" are accepted.  The Foundation awards grants to Chapter and individual members of the Foundation for projects that promote literacy

State University of New York Website - News and information about the State University of New York (SUNY) system

Resources & Forms