Events of 2022-2024

Amy Zimmerman - President

The Passion of One of Our Sisters

Congratulations Erin Marshal-Cunningham for your dedication to women's sports and to your students. 

Both the Finger Lakes Times and The Chronicle-Express wrote articles highlighting the work Erin has done for the Penn Yan School District. As a softball player herself, Erin played on fields that barely qualified as such and often reflected on how the baseball teams had it all: dugouts, scoreboards, fencing. Now that she is on the Penn Yan Schools Board of Education, she found a way to change all that. Working with her community, she raised over $100,000 in grants, donations, and old-fashioned teamwork. Now the new softball field, part of the Elm Street Sports Complex in Penn Yan, is ready to play ball!

Monthly Meetings at a glance. If you would like something posted, please contact the webmaster or Communications Chair.


August Orientation

Jen Lester graciously hosted our orientation tea for potential members to Alpha Tau. It was a beautiful afternoon. A huge thank you goes out to our Members Committee Chair Laura Janas for organizing the event. 


Alpha Tau Inducts Five

Our September meeting was blessed with five new members joining our chapter. Please welcome Jessica Mothersell, Jodie Schwartz, Ryanne Hughes, Erin Bodine and Erin Johnson! 

Ceremonies Committee Herald in the Inductees

Signing the Ledger

Joining Our History

Retirement Celebration

Marcus Whitman's Karen Lahue retired in 2023 after 31 wonderful years in its PE department. She will be remembered for her commitment to having fun no matter what was going on and her commitment to her colleagues and students. As one admin wrote about her: "She found the best in people." Congratulations, Karen!

October ECAC 

ECAC Conference in Geneva

On October 24 at Club 86 in Geneva, NY,  our chapter hosted the ECAC Conference where almost 100 sisters joined us in a wonderful night of shopping and conversation. This event is held every two years and is a huge hit as many local vendors allowed to do some early holiday shopping.  Senator Pam Helming, one of our guest speakers, had an unexpected change in schedule, but she sent in a wonderful video message full of inspiration for our professions. 

Senator Helming's
video message

Jeanne chatting it up

Anna Marie Bonafide, NYSO First President

Catching up with one another

Time to visit

Our very own saleswoman, Stacy!


Grant in Aid Scholarship Auction

November 9, 2023  We gathered at the Clifton Springs Country Club for dinner and our annual Grant in Aid Scholarship Auction.  Items are donated for sisters to bid on to raise money for our scholarships.   In the spring our scholarship committee will award applicants scholarships to pursue careers in education. Thank you to all who donated and contributed to our annual Grant in aid auction.  A fun night was had by all who attended!


Moose Lodge, Penn Yan

After a long winter, it was nice to see everyone again as we gathered at the Moose Lodge in Penn Yan. A lot of catching up with done. Andrea led our program for the night as she shared with us how to host engaging book clubs. We all like to read, so her ideas were inspiring!


One way to choose books is to do it by themes: numbers, dates, colors. Makes choosing books fun. 

Choosing a Genre

BINGO card can be a helpful way to choose a genre that you wouldn't ordinarily read - a great way to expose yourself to new literature.


Keeping scrapbooks is a fun way to look back on what your book club has read. These can be as creative as you want them to be. 


Founder's day 

Our May meeting was held in Farmington at Otto Tomatoes.  It was a fun and productive meeting! Tp help celebrate Founders Day, Treasurer Deb Miner and President Amy Zimmerman quized us Jeopardy style.

Deb plays Jeopardy Host

Amy reads the hints

Jeane handed out prizes

Everyone had a good time.

Elisa Keating helped us recognize our sisters Joan Geise and Sandy Sucher for 25 years of membership!  

June - last meeting of bienium

Induction of NEW OFFICERS

Thank you to all of you who stood up and said YES! Andrea Windus has graciously accepted to be our president. Please check out our membership page for officer names. 

Stacy Liberati was given the Educational Foundation Award for a project she is co-sponsoring in her district. Congratulations. 

Grant-in-Aid Recipients Honored

Students Honored

Nicole Szalay (Midlakes), Jaylyn Gramz (Bloomfield), and Graceann Pastore (Penn Yan/not pictured) were awared $1000 scholarships each for their pursuit of educational careers. 

Teachers Honored

Amber Hampton (Penn Yan), Taryn Windeim (Midlakes), Nayely Ortiz (Penn Yan) and Anna Halpa (Naples) were awarded a $500 scholarship each to support their classroom activities. 



Program: Safe Harbors

Karen Lahue invited Marcus Whitman graduate Tiffany Worboys, from Safe Harbors, to come speak to us.  Safe Harbors is a community resource for  individuals, schools, businesses, and professional organizations. They provide confidential support to people who are victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse, and human trafficking in Ontario, Seneca and Yates counties.  School programs include education for elementary students regarding personal safety and identify adults they can talk to if they are not safe.  Associates from Safe Harbors help women navigate the legal system, as well as provide them with resources , including counseling, to help individuals in abusive situations.

Sisters of Alpha Tau graciously donated a car load of items for Tiffany to bring back to Safe Harbors. Thank you to everyone who supported this wonderful organization. Below is a list of items if anyone would like to donate.

Items Safe Harbor is in need of:

Laundry detergent

Paper plates


plastic cutlery

toilet paper

paper towels






body wash


cleaning supplies


Alpha Tau celebrated the lives of two wonderful Alpha Tau sisters who passed this spring. Lucile McKay (Red Jacket) was honored by her two friends Dawn Goodman and Linda Utter who recalled Cile's energetic teaching style and character. Frieda Mulheron (Midlakes) was also honored by her sisters Mary Ann Gilman and Jane Crosby, who both shared loving memories of our sister. 

"In the rising of the sun, we remember them."

Installation of officers 

The officers for the 2022 - 2024 biennium were installed and received an enthusiastic  welcome to their respective roles.

Pictured from left to right:  Beth Rasmussen - most recent past president, Ellie Robinson - 2nd Vice President, Stacy Liberati - 1st Vice President, Jane Crosby - Corresponding Secretary, Amy Zimmerman - president and Andrea Windus - Recording Secretary.


A Night at The Wagner

Penn Yan, New York

Jane Crosby began the night with an inspirational reading that centered the group. President Amy Zimmerman then recognized all the committee chairs and encouraged them to contact their committee members soon. In her own inspirational words of wisdom, she reminded us that teaching is sometimes like being the Cat in the Hat: standing on a ball with a plate on one foot, books in one hand, a broom in the other, all with a teacup balancing on his head. She added also feeling like being underwater. Amy then reminded us that we all have things to do, but we can keep going by asking each other for help. 

Letchworth State Park Autism Nature Trail

Jane Crosby attended the Fall Executive Board Meeting on October 14-15. She went to a seminar that shared information about three women (one a DKG member) who raised $ 4 million dollars to create an Autism Nature Trail at Letchworth, NY. For more information check out their website.

Midlakes Retirees Honored in Song

The retirement committee, lead by Mary Ann Gilman,  put together a wonderful song parody to the tune of "Calendar Girl" that was the highlight of the night.

Tammy Wood Retires

After teaching at Midlakes from 1995 to 2022, Tammy retired from teaching.  As the CSE Chair, she is most proud of the relationships she formed with parents and students, and is looking forward to spending time with her grand-daughter and going camping. 

Andrea Windus Retires

After teaching at Midlakes for 31 years, Andrea was honored by her mother, Dawn Goodman. Despite being Nationally Board Certified, Andrea is looking forward to spending time in her craft room and going on vacation with her family. 


Grant-in-Aid Auction
at Clifton Springs Country Club

November 10, 2022: Thank you to everyone who donated items for the auction. the money raised will support our scholarship to young aspiring teachers.  In the spring our scholarship committee will award applicants scholarships to pursue careers in education. Because of the wonderful donations and the generosity of the group, the auction itself raised $2159! Additional donations that were sent that night, so that’s a grand total of $2638!  

We have the best auctioneers!  They show the items that are up for bidding and keep us smiling in the process.

Donated items

Home baked items and wine are always a hit at the auction.

Good Company!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Retirement

We celebrated the retirement of a lovely sister, Elin Orman, today. We hope you fill your time wisely and with purpose.


Support Bethany House

At this month's meeting we learned about a local non-profit that supports homeless women and children in our area.  Bethany House provides shelter and hospitality to women and children.  It is a free service for women who are the head of their household.  During their stay residents receive support with accessing services that they need.  The staff  help women to find living situations that are safe after they leave Bethany House.  Since all their income comes from grants and individual donations, please support them as you can. Check out their website for more information:  BETHANY HOUSE

NOTE on meetings:

The executive committee is aware that the cost of meals for our meetings have gone up. Restaurant costs have risen and unfortunately that cost is pushed to us. Several of our meetings have no cost, so that helps over the course of our year. We are trying to provide a nice experience for all while being fiscally responsible as well. It is an on-going discussion. 

Retiree Honored

It was a pleasure to celebrate the retirement of Renee Williams.  We wish you all the best for the future.


Founders Day Celebration

It is never too late to learn a little bit more about our founding sisters and the history of DKG and Alpha Tau. A friendly game of BINGO allowed everyone to learn a little and be reminded of our long history of supporting reading and education. 

Learn more about our Founding Sisters here

Alpha Tau celebrated the life of Shirley Carney.  Fond memories were shared of the legacy she left in education.  

Convention News

Stacy Liberati was awarded our chapter's Woman of Distinction for 2023 at the NYS Convention.

Many cheers were given to our sisters who celebrated 50 years in DKG!  


Grant-in-Aid Recipients Honored

Our grant in aide student recipient, Sedona Smith from Bloomfield, will be attending FLCC in the fall and Laura will transfer mid year to Geneseo.  She shared that she has always had a passion for teaching and will be studying elementary education.  We also awarded Red Jacket early educator Samantha Phillips a grant in aide scholarship to be used to support her with her role as an 8th grade English teacher.  

Collection for Local Food Cupboards

Laura Janas shared information about the Caring Hearts food pantry in Clifton Springs.   Donations of food, toys, books, clothing, bedding and money help to serve 50 - 100 people per week.  All of the donations are given to people in the Phelps - Clifton Springs area.  Some food donations are made by local stores and Foodlink.  The food pantry is located in the basement of St. Felix Catholic Church.

President's Project 

more info here: Amy's President's project will be to support educators in our region with baskets of goodies.  Please bring any of the following items to our September meeting:   candy, snacks, post its, hand lotion or any other items that you can think of that our fellow educators would appreciate.